Frequently Asked Questions
Getting started is simple. Just click to register with Kryptolad and then follow the straightforward steps to verify your account. Afterward, you can begin trading cryptocurrencies.
Once registered, log in to your Kryptolad account, select the currencies you wish to exchange, choose a fiat currency, select your desired cryptocurrency, and enter the amount you want to buy.
To sell cryptocurrencies, simply log in to your Kryptolad account, select the cryptocurrency and quantity you want to exchange, and proceed to withdraw the funds to your bank account.
Cryptocurrencies will be transferred to your wallet only after undergoing complete KYC verification and once your payment and wallet address have been approved and confirmed by Kryptolad.
You can review the transaction history in your Kryptolad wallet to track the coins sent to or from your address.
To enhance the security of your Kryptolad account, we recommend the following security measures:
- Password Strength: Ensure that your Kryptolad password is both strong and unique, incorporating numbers, symbols, and a combination of upper- and lower-case letters to resist unauthorized access.
- Email or 2FA Verification: For added security, enable email confirmations for all Kryptolad account operations.
- Device & Connection Security: Utilize up-to-date antivirus and malware protection software on both your computer and mobile devices. Additionally, exercise caution and refrain from opening emails, attachments, or files from sources you do not trust.
Please create a support ticket or reach out to our support team via [email protected] for immediate assistance with your Kryptolad account.